Today is my hubby's and my 8th wedding anniversary!! So, last night, we went out to dinner to celebrate. We sure missed the babes, but goodness, it was nice to eat a relaxing meal just the two of us. We sat out on the patio next to the lake and soaked up the beautiful weather.
Ruffles x Lace

Pretty Details...

Top | Similar Pants | Similar Heels | Handbag: The velvet Version is sold out but here's the Leather Version | Watch
Dedication Outfit...

Happy Friday everyone!! This week just flew by! Here's the outfit I wore this last Sunday to our babies dedication at church! It was such a special day for our family and I'm so excited to share more photos from that day (next week hopefully). I bought this dress last fall and finally had a
White and Creams...

Happy Monday! Today, I'm combining two of my favorite colors! White and cream. I wore this outfit this weekend while running a ton of errands for Camden and Bella's dedication. Btw...this handbag is currently 50% off! I hope you have a fabulous week!
Similar Coat: Here and Here | Similar Top | | Boots | Handbag: Velvet Version

Happy Tuesday everyone! It has been so warm here the last couple of days....60 degrees!! We're usually up to our knees in snow with below zero temperatures! Here's an outfit that I wore to brunch! I hope you a great week!
My jacket is from Anthropologie a few years ago but I found similar