Browsing Tag Magical

3 Post Found in Magical Tag

Bella's Dreamland Nursery Update...

Bella's Dreamland Nursery Update...

Hi everyone!! So I've been wanting to change a few things in Bella's dreamland nursery ever since I came across this vintage crown cornice that I found at a cute vintage shop! I finally gained up the nerve to change her room just a bit and so happy that I did! I moved the canopy

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So Magical with The Borrowed Boutique...

So Magical with The Borrowed Boutique...

Many of you know that we just went on a family vacation to Disney World and on a Caribbean cruise. We went to Magic Kingdom first and as anyone who has been there knows, it is pure magic. I knew I wanted to Bella to feel like a princess while we were there. What better

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Magical Christmas

I LOVE Christmas! It’s so important to remember the reason for the season, which is Jesus’s birth! Now, that I have a precious baby boy, I love to make it a magical time as well! For so many reasons, Christmas is magical! The joy, laughter, fun, trees, lights, decor and spending time with

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