Browsing Tag hair inspiration

3 Post Found in hair inspiration Tag

Shades of Blush...

Shades of Blush...

Happy Monday! Today, I'm sharing one of my favorite outfits! I love the mix of neutrals tones and gold. Also, this velvet handbag is beyond gorgeous! It fits just what I need when I'm running a quick errand and I don't have to carry my diaper bag with me. Also, this coat is my absolute

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Winter Whites

Winter Whites

Anyone that knows me, knows that my favorite color is white. So I am a huge fan of wearing white in the winter! Break the rules, get those white jeans out and definitely rock them!

Similar Sweater / Jeans / Similar Boots / Similar Handbag / Love This Handbag

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Sunday's Best

Sunday's Best

Similar Top / Similar Skirt / Similar Skirt / Coat / Similar Ankle Booties / Similar Ankle Booties / Similar Ankle Booties / Similar Ankle Booties


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