Homemade Butterfingers - Gluten & Dairy Free Option

Homemade Butterfingers - Gluten & Dairy Free Option

It’s the day after Halloween and you might have some extra candy corn laying around! What better way to use it up than to make Homemade Butterfingers?

I came across this amazing recipe and I knew I had to give it a try but gluten and dairy free! I have to say…they’re soooo yummy!


  1. 9 oz of candy corn
  2. (the ones I bought from Whole Foods are picture pictured below. You can also purchase them here.)
  3. 1/2 heaping cup of organic peanut butter, smooth
  4. 1/2 cup of dark chocolate chips (I used Enjoy Life available at Whole Foods or Target)
  5. Natural Candy Corn


  1. Line an loaf baking pan with parchment paper; set a side.
  2. In a microwave safe bowl, add candy corn. Cook for 1 minute, stir, cook for 30 seconds, stir, then cook in 15 second intervals until creamy. Add peanut butter, mix until combined. If the candy starts to get hard while mixing, place in the microwave for 10 seconds.
  3. Pour mixture into prepared baking dish. Smooth out with a back of a spoon. Place in the refrigerator for one hour to cool.
  4. Take candy out of the refrigerator, and place on a cutting board. This part gets tricky. Using a sharp knife cut into pieces. You can make any shape and size you like.

5. Make a double boiler, by placing water in a medium pot, about a 1/3 of the way, place a large glass bowl over the pot and add chocolate. Stir the chocolate until melted. With two forks dip candy mixture into chocolate. Place the candy onto parchment paper and let it set.
6. Store candy in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a crispy bar or leave on the counter for a chewy bar.

Tanya R Ng

Tanya R Ng

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