Browsing Tag A darling Daydream Christmas

2 Post Found in A darling Daydream Christmas Tag

Christmas Decor has begun...

Christmas Decor has begun...

November has begun and that means Christmas is here...or at least all things Christmas that is! Before you roll your eyes, it's freezing here and it's currently snowing! The only way to be okay with that is to start decorating for Christmas!

For our sunroom this year, I did a King of Christmas tree

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Christmas Decor Guide 2018

Christmas Decor Guide 2018

Yes, I know! We are only a handful of days into November, but the stores are filling their shelves with all things Christmas and theres so many cute things! I always make the mistake of waiting to get my Christmas decor and then it's sold out. So this year, I'm trying to shop early! Here

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