Browsing Tag kids valentine ideas

3 Post Found in kids valentine ideas Tag

Ex-Straw Special Valentine

Ex-Straw Special Valentine

Today, I'm sharing a cute Valentine idea that Bella is doing this year for her friends. At the end of the post I am sharing how you can create this same Valentine. (* this post contains affiliated links)

We found some cute heart straws and decided to use those in her Valentine's.

We picked up some

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Sweet Valentine's

Sweet Valentine's

What's better than looking like a "pinterest type person" but truly it was easy peasy? Today, I'm sharing 3 Valentine ideas that will make it look like you put way more effort into it, than you really did. Oh and each of these ideas only have 2 items (3 if you include tape

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Fun Valentine Idea...

Fun Valentine Idea...

I just wanted to share this adorable Valentine from Oh Happy Day that I did. It's so fun to find ideas that don't involve candy and use something that kids love. My kids LOVE balloons so I thought this would be a perfect Valentine for Bella to give out at her ECFE class. It's also

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