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My Favorite Recipes...

My Favorite Recipes...

Bella and I baked up some of our favorite goodies this past weekend, which is one of our favorite things to do, and we are sharing the recipe with you today. They are both gluten and dairy free (But you would never know!!!) Trust me, I have brought these to mommy groups, family events, new

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Happy Tuesday everyone! It has been so warm here the last couple of days....60 degrees!! We're usually up to our knees in snow with below zero temperatures! Here's an outfit that I wore to brunch! I hope you a great week!

My jacket is from Anthropologie a few years ago but I found similar

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Happy Monday! We're ready for some warm sun here in the frozen tundra! These two have been waiting so long to put on their sunnies. With the balmy 60 degree weather we've been having the last few days, these Real Kids Shade sunglasses have worked perfect! I hope you have a wonderful week!

Camden's Outfit:

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Today, I'm sharing with you my favorite co-sleeper and one that we still use! I have gotten so many questions on this crib, so I decided to share a detailed review and lots of photos. Trust me, it's even cuter in person and one of my favorite baby product purchases.

Co-Sleeper: White Version and Expresso

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Grey Ruffles...

Grey Ruffles...

Happy Wednesday! Here's a look that I wore last weekend to brunch! I hope you have a wonderful day!!

Similar Sweater | Similar Jeans | Similar Boots | Similar Bag | Similar Sunglasses


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